June 28,2020
7月5日(日)Lunch: 貸切営業のためclose Dinner: 18:00よりOPEN
7月14日(火)Lunch:13:00L.O. 14:00 Close Dinner: 17:30 OPEN 通常営業
お客様にはご迷惑をおかけいたしますが、 何卒ご理解くださいますようお願い致します。
Due to in-store private events, we will be closed on the following dates/ times:
July 5th (Sun); Lunch, we will reopen for dinner at 18:00.
July 14th(Tue); Lunch: 13:00 L.O. 14:00 close, we will reopen for dinner at 17:30.
We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your understanding.